Calculous prostatitis is a rare form of the disease that requires specific treatment. Therefore, it is important to know how it occurs and what signs it comes with. From this article you will learn about all the features of the disease. As well as methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Calculous prostatitis is characterized by an inflammatory process in which conglomerates of dense structure are formed. In other words, it is a stone located in the prostate. They consist of elements that enter the human body. They occur in the secretion of the prostate in the background of the chronic course of prostatitis, pathological disorders.
Calculous prostatitis can be caused by the following:
- Infection of the genitourinary system. These can be diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and so on. In the process of reproduction and activation of pathological microorganisms, obstruction in the prostate ducts is observed, on the background of which the secretion acquires a dense and viscous structure. Thus, bacteria create a favorable environment for the formation of stones, and prostatolites contribute to an increase in inflammatory processes, which leads to prostate congestion.
- Stagnation of all processes in the gland, which occurs for various reasons - the presence of adenomas (benign tumors) in the prostate, inactivity, the impact of harmful foods, alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking. But most often the reason lies in the absence of regular sexual activity, because in this case the glands cannot normally empty the calculus, and therefore stagnation occurs.
- Urethro-prostate reflux. In this disease, the liquid urine during urination in small doses is thrown into the prostate. As urine accumulates, crystallized salts are released, which over time increase and thicken into stones. Urethro-prostatic reflux develops due to urethral injuries, prostate atony, prostate resection, etc.
- Impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs also leads to stagnation.
- Frequent hypothermia of the body and genitals.
- Failure to observe personal hygiene causes infection, which leads to calculous prostatitis.
- Older age. This is due to the fact that a kind of phosphoric acid plaque and lime forms on the thickened epithelium and amyloid bodies.
The stone formations are yellowish and spherical. The minimum size of prostatolite is 0, 25 cm, and the maximum 0, 4. They are formed singly or multiple, they are mainly of the following types: phosphate stones, oxalate or urate stones.
The following signs indicate the presence of prostatolite in the prostate:
- dull and aching pains in perineum, groin, coccyx, scrotum;
- increased pain syndrome after physical actions, bowel movements, sexual intercourse, prolonged sitting in one position;
- sharp pain when urinating;
- intermittent jet;
- frequent urge with urinary retention;
- blood particles in urine and semen;
- premature ejaculation;
- weakening of potency;
- increased body temperature;
- insomnia;
- decreased appetite;
- psycho-emotional instability.
Stages of bacterial prostatitis
- Primary or catarrhal.In its primary form, stones form in the acini of the prostate or ducts. The symptoms of the catarrhal type are weakly expressed, the symptoms are reminiscent of catarrhal pathologies. If you consult a urologist in time and start adequate treatment, you can get rid of the disease in a week.
- Secondary or follicular.In the secondary form, prostatolites penetrate the organ from the kidneys, bladder and other elements of the body in the background of urolithiasis. Follicular appearance may develop after untreated catarrhal type. Manifestations are acute, with an increase in body temperature and suppuration, the duration of therapy is long.
- Tertiary or parenchymal.The tertiary form affects the parenchyma of the prostate, so it is called the parenchyma (diffuse). This is the last stage of the acute course, in which the symptoms are very acute. A purulent exudate forms in the inflamed area. The healing process is long, tolerance is difficult.
Possible complications of calculous prostatitis
What complicates untreated calculous prostatitis:
- prostate abscesses on the background of accumulation of purulent fluid in the tissues;
- intoxication of the body with purulent formations and further development of sepsis, which is fatal;
- prostate atrophy and, as a result, impotence;
- vesiculitis in acute or chronic form, characterized by vasodilation in the sperm, leading to impotence and infertility;
- cystitis and urinary incontinence.
To prevent such consequences, it is necessary, when the first signs are found, to go to the clinic and undergo a comprehensive examination.
How to mitigate an attack at home?
It is quite understandable to any reasonable person that it is necessary to call an ambulance brigade during an attack. But before it arrives, you can take your usual painkillers. If your home clinic contains propolis-based rectal suppositories, perform the appropriate procedure. They relieve pain and laxative pills.
Which doctor treats?
A urologist (or andrologist) treats prostatitis of any form. Other highly specialized doctors - a nephrologist, infectious disease specialist and others - are involved in the process of diagnosis and selection of treatment tactics, depending on the cause of the stones.
At the first visit to the urology office, the doctor performs palpation and visual examination, after which he collects the anamnesis. The way of life, the presence of certain pathologies and the nature of the manifesting signs are necessarily taken into account. The following diagnostics are then performed:
- blood and urine collection for general analysis to determine the quantitative number of structural units (composition of biological fluids);
- semen collection (sperm with calculous type of prostatitis is characterized by an increased number of epithelial tissues and amyloid bodies);
- spermogram allows you to study the degree of motility and sperm count;
- X-ray of the prostate;
- ultrasound examination of the prostate;
- computerized or magnetic resonance imaging.
Blood sampling for PSA is mandatory, which enables the identification of a specific prostate antigen (a type of prostate tumor marker).
Treatment of calculous prostatitis
The duration of therapy and the choice of therapeutic measures depends on the degree of neglect of the disease, as well as on the form, cause of development and the presence of complications.
Drug treatment
- A group of fluoroquinolones for the destruction of pathogenic microbes, which are the most common cause of prostatitis. These are antibiotics that can easily deal with many pathogens.
- Penicillin group of antibacterial agents.
- Tetracycline group of antibiotics. However, tetracyclines have a large number of side effects, so they are prescribed less frequently than other groups.
- Cephalosporins are given intramuscularly.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain syndrome, eliminate inflammation.
- The patient should take vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system.

Surgical intervention
- Transurethral electroresection allows you to remove stones and cauterize blood vessels. For that, a high-frequency electric current and a resectoscope that is inserted through the urethral lumen are used. The operation is painless, but there is a possibility that prostatolite particles will remain.
- Transurethral surgery with ultrasound guidance. Unlike previous methods. Thanks to the increased ultrasonic monitoring, all stones are removed.
- Strip prostatectomy (stones are removed by dissection) and endoscopic (using an endoscope inserted into the prostate). Together with the stones in a neglected form, resection of the prostate, lymph nodes and seminal vesicles is performed.
- Lithotripsy involves the use of a laser that crushes stones, after which it is excreted naturally. An endoscope is used for this.
- ultrasound exposure reduces the level of inflammation, removes pain;
- laser therapy accelerates metabolic processes in the prostate, relieves discomfort;
- magnetic therapy restores blood circulation, neutralizes swelling.
Massage normalizes the patency of the canal, speeds up the blood supply, which is considered effective for prostatitis, but with the calculous form is strictly prohibited. The reason is that prostatolites can move through the body.
If you do not have the opportunity to attend physiotherapy procedures, you can do them at home using special devices. But keep in mind that physiotherapy is effective only in the remission phase - when prostatitis is in the exacerbation phase, it is forbidden to use the devices.
Diet therapy
A patient diagnosed with calculous prostatitis is required to adhere to a special diet, which the nutritionist develops on an individual level, based on the severity of the pathology.
The basis of the diet is the rejection of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods. It is undesirable to use soups based on fatty meat and fish, mushrooms. Horseradish, radish, radish, garlic, cabbage, beans and onions will need to be excluded from vegetables. And the rest of the products that lead to gas formation.
It is always used for prostatitis, but in the calculative form the exercises should be light to prevent the movement of stones. Gymnastics should stretch the muscles of the perineum. To do this, you can slowly do the following exercises:
- Get up on a chair and rest your hands on the backrest. Take one leg to the side, lifting it as high as possible. Lower the limb. The same actions are performed with the other leg. The number of approaches is 8-10.
- Stand with your back against a chair and lean back. Lift your legs alternately on your stomach, bending them at the knees.
- Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, sit up and fix the position for a few seconds. Get up. While performing the exercise, try to perform moving movements in the squat position. Repeat a maximum of 5 times.

Folk remedies
- Eat 25-30 pumpkin seeds daily, raw and always on an empty stomach.
- Herbal decoction. You will need equal proportions of bare ossuary and black letter. Separate 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 0, 5 liters of "cold" boiling water, bring to a boil. Take 3 times a day, 100 mg half an hour before meals.
- Cook the brown rose root according to the recipe listed on the pharmacy package. Drink as a tea beverage three times a day.
- Pour 2 tablespoons into a glass of boiling water. l. parsley seeds and simmer for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Insist on the clock. Drink one tablespoon up to 6 times a day.
- Drink 600-1000 ml of freshly squeezed asparagus juice daily.
- Other natural juices are also useful - carrots, beets, cucumbers.
In the treatment of calculous prostatitis, conservative therapy is initially used, the result of which is usually favorable. In neglected forms and in the absence of positive dynamics of drug therapy, surgery is used. In this case, the prognosis is also favorable. But special attention should be paid to the rehabilitation period in order to prevent infections and other complications.
Prevention measures
To prevent the development of calculous prostatitis and prevent recurrence, follow simple rules:
- eliminate bad habits;
- seek medical help in a timely manner for any pathological disorders;
- strictly follow the instructions of the urologist;
- don't catch a cold;
- use condoms to avoid infection;
- lead an active sex life with one partner.